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TEST’in 90 Minute Tea Cleanse
It's simple, fast and efficient. Nice Fruit Punch Flavor. A 99.99% passing success rate is achieved with the TEST'in 90 Minute Tea Cleanse. This delicious drink is known for ages as natural antioxidant, diuretic and energizer gives you a real chance to speed up the flow of liquid (i.e. urine) in your body while it cleanses it. Perfect for Moderate to Heavy users of Herbal and Chemical toxins. Just drink 90 minutes before you go and it lasts for five whole hours. 100% Money Back Guarantee. You can drink it hot or cold, you can drink it daily as a maintenance or as a "quick" 90 minute use, once the tea is made it lasts up to 5 days.

Little Duz Detox 16 oz. Drink
Easy & convenient when you want a drink with quick cleansing power, this is the ideal choice. Blend's powerful herbs and fiber together to help temporary cleanse your system, uses the power of natural and artificial ingredients to block the toxins in your body's fat cells from getting into your urinary tract and helps you to beat the urine drug test. Starts working in 90 Minutes and is effective up to 5 hours. 100% Money Back Guarantee. No Golden Seal which is detectable in drug testing. Light/Medium Users!

90 Minute Chewable Tablet
Guaranteed clean for 5 hours! Removes all toxins. Just chew and swallow this tablet and in 90 minutes your urine will be toxin free for a 5 hour period. Pleasant taste and 99.99% success rate. Light users 1-2x a week.

Crisis Capsules
Crisis Capsules-20 Extra Strength Capsules! With the power of finest herbs gathered form around the world ensures the success of your detoxifying process. The Crisis Capsules temporarily facilitates the urinary process and helps the body to break the drug metabolites down and flush unwanted toxins (traces of drugs, THC, marijuana and environmental pollutants and wastes) out of your urinary tract. This product works as a facilitator and contains no Golden Seal which is detectable and aids greatly to any of following products: DUZ'z-IT, TEST'in 90 Minute Chewable, . Lasts for 5 hours! Works After 90 Minutes! Light-Moderate Users

The DUZ’z IT
DUZ'z IT blend's powerful herbs and fiber together to help temporary cleanse your system, uses the power of natural and artificial ingredients to block the toxins in your body's fat cells from getting into your urinary tract and helps you to beat the urine drug test. Starts working in 90 Minutes and is effective up to 5 hours. Money Back Guarantee. No Golden Seal which is detectable in drug testing. Moderate/Heavy Users. 99.99% Success Rate!

Little Duz Plus
Easy & convenient when you want a drink with quick cleansing power plus the Chewable for extra bounce, this is the ideal choice. Simply chew then drink, and you're clean after 90 minutes with a clinically-proven cleansing power for up to five full hours 2-3 times a month user.

The Chem-Out Dual Combo PlusTop of Page
Chem Out is for individuals who do Chemicals and don't have time to do a Total Body Cleanse. Detoxifying drinks are mostly made for THC use only, we give you three products when used correctly will take the chemicals out and help the heavy smokers too!! You get 1 - 32 oz. DUZz-It and 1 - 30 Count Precleansing Tablets, 1 (one) 90 minute Tea Cleanse and 1 Chewable Tablet. 100% Undetectable! 100% Money Back Guarantee! Moderate/Heavy Users.

Test Pure Never Fail
With this kit we give you 2 of our same day solutions that when used together always perform the job you expect. Test Pure Never Fail blend's powerful herbs and fiber together to help temporary cleanse your system, uses the power of natural and artificial ingredients to block the toxins in your body's fat cells from getting into your urinary tract and helps you to beat the urine drug test. 1 24 oz Test Pure PLATINUM Magnum Force and your choice of 1 Crisis Caps or 1 90 minute Chewable Tablet. Starts working in 90 Minutes and is effective up to 5 hours. Money Back Guarantee. No Golden Seal which is detectable in drug testing. Moderate/Heavy Users. 99.99% Success Rate!
This product is Money Back Guaranteed by the Manufacturer and not this web site.

The Annihilator Kit
Perfect for 2-3 x per week users. Combining 3 of our same day solutions (1 Little Duzz Detox Drink, 1 90 Minute Chewable and 1 Crisis Cap) geared towards removing the specific levels of toxins in a light/medium users system. Has a window of 4-5 hours for and is 100% undetectable. 99.99% Success Rate! 99.99% Success Rate!

DUZ’z IT Never Fail
With this kit we give you 2 of our strongest same day solutions that when used together always perform the job you expect. Never Fail blend's powerful herbs and fiber together to help temporary cleanse your system, uses the power of natural and artificial ingredients to block the toxins in your body's fat cells from getting into your urinary tract and helps you to beat the urine drug test. 1 DUZ'z-IT and your choice of 1 Crisis Caps or 1 90 minute Chewable Tablet. Starts working in 90 Minutes and is effective up to 5 hours. Money Back Guarantee. No Golden Seal which is detectable in drug testing. Moderate/Heavy Users.99.99% Success Rate!

Rescue Combo
Works on all toxins (cocaine, THC, marijuana, meth, alcohol, nicotine and other pollutants) and is undetectable. With this kit we give you 3 of our strongest same day solutions. Drink is effective after 90 minutes up to 5 hours, however peak effectiveness is at 2 hours. Recommended for individuals who are under and over 200 lbs.. Rescue Combo uses the power of natural and artificial ingredients to block the toxins in your body's fat cells from getting into urinary tract and helps with the urine drug test. You get 1 32 oz. Duz'z-IT Drink, 1 bottle TEST'in Crisis Capsules, 1 TEST'in 90 Minute Tea Cleanse. 100% Money Back Guarantee. 1x a Day Users.